
Husqvarna WR250 - 2007 Specifications and Reviews

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General information

CategoryEnduro / offroad
ModelHusqvarna WR250

Engine and Transmission Specifications

ClutchWet , multiplate
Transmission typefinal driveChain
Cooling systemLiquid
Fuel systemCarburettor. 38mm Mikuni TMX
Bore x stroke66.4 x 72.0 mm (2.6 x 2.8 inches)
Engine typeSingle cylinder
Capacity:249.30 ccm (15.21 cubic inches)

Physical measures and capacities

Dry weight103.5 kg (228.2 pounds)

Husqvarna WR250 dimensions and frame

Rear brakes diameter220 mm (8.7 inches)
Rear brakesSingle disc
Front brakes diameter260 mm (10.2 inches)
Front brakesSingle disc

Speed and acceleration

Modifications compared to previous modelNew tank, new panels and seat give to this motorcycle a particular look thanks also to the new red and white cover. Also the hand guards mounted on the new redesigned handlebar complete the aesthetic of the bike, allowing the rider to change and choose the handlebar´s position. The new digital instrument and the front light complete the actions made on the ´on board´ equipment.
Color optionsRed/white

Rider Reviews

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