
CZ 350 Typ 472.6 - 1985 Specifications and Reviews

4 stars Average rating: 4 from 4 votes

General information

ModelCZ 350 Typ 472.6

Engine and Transmission Specifications

ClutchWet multyplate with automatic gearchange engagement
Transmission typefinal driveChain
Cooling systemAir
Lubrication system2-stroke
Fuel controlPort control
Fuel systemCarburettor. Jikov
Max RPM6500
Engine typeTwin
Capacity:350.00 ccm (21.36 cubic inches)

Physical measures and capacities

Dry weight180.0 kg (396.8 pounds)

CZ 350 Typ 472.6 dimensions and frame

Exhaust systemTwo reactive scilencer chrome pipes (one per cyl.)
Rear brakesExpanding brake (drum brake). One-side expantion
Front brakesExpanding brake (drum brake). Two-side expantion
Rear tyre dimensions-R18
Front tyre dimensions-R18
Rear suspensionDualshock with swingarm
Front suspensionInverted forks
Frame typeSteel pipe closed type

Speed and acceleration

Power/weight ratio0.1222 HP/kg
Top speed135.0 km/h (83.9 mph)

Other specs

Modifications compared to previous modelMinor cosmetic changes over all previous models from the 472.1 to 472.5, over witch a 12V alternator upgrade and a different dashboard with anRPM gage, while all else was kept identical.
Color optionsLight red, dark red
Fuel consumption pr. 10 km (6.2 miles)4.00 litres (1.06 gallons)
Reserve fuel capacity3.00 litres (0.79 gallons)
Fuel capacity18.00 litres (4.76 gallons)

Rider Reviews

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