
Aeon AM-2 Aero 100 - 2008 Specifications and Reviews

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General information

ModelAeon AM-2 Aero 100

Engine and Transmission Specifications

Transmission typefinal driveBelt
Cooling systemAir
Lubrication systemAutomatic by oil pump
IgnitionCDI Electronic
Fuel systemCarburettor
Engine typeSingle cylinder
Capacity:95.60 ccm (5.83 cubic inches)

Physical measures and capacities

Dry weight89.0 kg (196.2 pounds)

Aeon AM-2 Aero 100 dimensions and frame

Rear brakesExpanding brake (drum brake)
Front brakesSingle disc
Rear tyre dimensions130/70-12
Front tyre dimensions120/70-12
Rear suspensionHydraulic monoshock
Front suspensionTelescopic
Frame typeSteel pipes

Speed and acceleration

Color optionsRed, blue, yellow, silver
Fuel capacity6.00 litres (1.59 gallons)

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